Заполните предлоги!
1 Fill in the prepositions: in, at, on, to, by, with, about, for, from, under, next
to, behind, in front of.
1 She goes … school … bus.
2 My birthday is … October 18th .
3 He lives … his parents.
4 What country do they come … ?
5 I always drive … work.
6 The pharmacy[`fa:məsɪ] is … … the station[`steɪʃən].
7 I go … a drink … my friends.
8 My friend talks … football all the time.
9 I never listen … classical music.
10.She always has a party … her birthday.
11.Do you want to go … the cinema … me?
12.It is 10 minutes … five.
13 This letter is … my uncle.
14 What time do you usually get up … the morning?
15 The cat is … the door.
16 The clock is … the wall.
17 My bag is … the floor, … the table.
18 My car is … … … the hotel.
19 What do you usually do … the weekend?
20 I watch TV … Saturday evening.
21 We go … a walk … the evening.
22 … Sundays I stay … home.
23 I usually sit … … my friend.
24 My flat is … the second floor.
25 We go … the village … car.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1 She goes to school by bus.

2 My birthday is on October 18th .

3 He lives with his parents.

4 What country do they come from?

5 I always drive to work.

6 The pharmacy is next to the station.

7 I go for a drink with my friends.

8 My friend talks about football all the time.

9 I never listen to classical music.

10. She always has a party on her birthday.

11. Do you want to go to the cinema with me?

12. It is 10 minutes to five.

13 This letter is from my uncle.

14 What time do you usually get up in the morning?

15 The cat is on the door.

16 The clock is on the wall.

17 My bag is on the floor, under the table.

18 My car is in front of the hotel.

19 What do you usually do at the weekend?

20 I watch TV on Saturday evening.

21 We go for a walk in the evening.

22 On Sundays I stay at home.

23 I usually sit next to my friend.

24 My flat is on the second floor.

25 We go to the village by car.

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