1.Поставьте глагол в правильной форме, употребляя будущую форму
1)I hope you __________ the competition tomorrow (win)
2)The concert __________ at 6 p.m. (start)
3)Look! The baby __________ (cry)
4)We ____________ round Italy in May. (travel)
5)There are a lot of clouds. It ______________ (rain)
6)I think our party _________great. (be)
7)His train __________ at 8 o’clock. (leave)
8)We ______________ a new car in winter or in spring. (buy)
9)They _________________ to London next week . (go)
10)There is no bread for breakfast. – I _____________ to the shop. (go)


Ответ дал: roses789


1. will win

2. starts

3. is crying

4. traveled

5. is going to rain

6. was

7. left

8. will buy

9. will going

10. I'm going

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