6. They won't know the truth if you ________ them.

won't tell

don't tell

7. If I bake a cake, ________ have some?

will you

do you

8. If he ________ you, will you answer the phone?

will call


9. If you don't go to the party, I ________ very upset.


will be

10. If you get a haircut, you ________ much better.

will look



Ответ дал: megaladon1337


6 They won't know the truth if you won't tell them.

7 If I bake a cake, will you have some?

8 If he will call you, will you answer the phone?

9 If you don't go to the party, I will be very upset.

10 If you get a haircut, you will look much better


tak nado

Ответ дал: DilnazRS


6.They won't know the truth if you won't tell them.

7. If I bake a cake,will you  have some?

8. If he will call you, will you answer the phone?

9. If you don't go to the party, I will be very upset  

10. If you get a haircut, you look much better.


должно быть правильно

приблизительный перевод

6. Они не узнают правды, если вы им не расскажете.

7. Если я испеку торт, вы его будете?

8. Если он вам позвонит, вы ответите на звонок?

9. Если ты не пойдешь на вечеринку, я буду очень расстроен.

10. Если вы сделаете стрижку, вы будете выглядеть намного лучше.

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