Помогите, по братски! Надо описать внешность человека на английском по картинке, с пояснением, во что одет, где гуляет, настроение, рост, возраст и т.д. Дам 100 баллов и оценю



Ответ дал: Mickey1806
In photo we can watch the old grandpa.
He is wearing a white shirt, beige jacket, blue jeans and white sneakers.
He walks in the park , the weather is sunny.
He is very funny, thoughtfully and happy.
His height is about 170-173 and he is about 78-82 years old.

kaneki77766: Надо было на 8 предложений минимум, но и так не плохо. Спасибо!!!
Ответ дал: arzayx
The man in the picture looks in his sixties(60s) and around 180cm tall.He is dressed in casual clothes - perfect for a walk in the park. Seems like he has a pair of jeans on, a nice light jacket - ideal for the warm weather, combined with a pair of trainers. He’s got glasses on and his hair is grey. It looks like the man is enjoying the walk and the fact that he’s surrounded by such beautiful nature. The trees are green and theres a hint of yellow, which means its early autumn. The unknown man is alone, but it seems that it’s more than enough for him, since most people only need their own company.

arzayx: since most people only need their own company to feel happy*
kaneki77766: O!!!! Чётко, пасяб!!!
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