Choose the correct verb form (Past Perfect Simple or Continuous).
1. The flat was dirty. They hadn't (cleaned/ been cleaning) it for weeks.
2. I was sad when I sold my car because I had (had/been having) it for a very long
3. I knew all those facts because I had (read/ been reading) about it in the report.
4. My stomach ached because I had (eaten/been eating) too much at the party.
5. He was very nervous at the beginning of the match because he had never
(played/been playing) in the prime league before.
6. The roads were wet and dangerous because it had (rained/been raining) all night.
7. When I arrived at the party, Ann had already (left/been leaving).
8. We were good friends and we had (known/been knowing) each other for a long
9. They had (walked/been walking) for five hours before they reached the village.
10. I had (felt/been feeling) sleepy all day so I had to drink a lot of coffee.​


Ответ дал: dolphhhhh
1. cleaned
2. been having
3. read
4. eaten
5. played
6. been raining
7. left
8. known
9. been walking
10. been feeling

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Ответ дал: galina572319


1. The flat was dirty. They hadn't cleaned it for weeks.

2. I was sad when I sold my car because I had been having it for a very long           time.

3. I knew all those facts because I had read about it in the report.

4. My stomach ached because I had eaten too much at the party.

5. He was very nervous at the beginning of the match because he had never played in the prime league before.

6. The roads were wet and dangerous because it had been raining all night.

7. When I arrived at the party, Ann had already left.

8. We were good friends, and we had known each other for a long time.

9. They had been walking for five hours before they reached the village.

10. I had been feeling sleepy all day, so I had to drink a lot of coffee.​

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