1 Fill in the gaps with who, which or whose.
Fill in the gaps with who, which or whose.
1 She is the girl....wbose.... brother is a Hollywood actor.
2 Marianne is the girl .....
father is a dentist.
3 The new house
my parents bought is very big.
4 A spoon is something
we use to eat with.
5 Robbie Williams is a singer
has sung in many concerts.
6 A doctor is a person ..
treats ill people.
7 This is the sofa
.. we bought in May.
8 I like people....
.. are happy and kind.
9 Radiohead is the band ...
1 like best
10 Kevin is the boy
lives next door​


Ответ дал: aaariflameee
1) who...whose
5) who
6) who
7) which
8) who
10) who
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