Fossil fuels include ............2 The types of biofuels are ..........3 The majority of biofuels consist of......... 4 Crops used for biofuels include........... 5 You have to mix biofuels with petrol or diesel ...........6 Biofuels help reduce.. in the atmosphere, especially smoke and soot..........


Ответ дал: Jonnhy


1 Fossil fuels include coal,oil and gas

2 The types of biofuels are ethanol,biodiesel,biojet

3 The majority of biofuels consist of plants  

4 Crops used for biofuels include corn,sugar cane,wheat,rapeseed and soybeans

5 You have to mix biofuels with petrol or diesel?ethanol is often mixed with petrol.In a similar way,biodiesel is mixed with regular diesel and biojet fuel is mixed with jet fuel

6 Biofuels help reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, especially smoke and soot.

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