Choose the correct modal verb
Hi Karen,

I hope you are well. I moved into my new flat on Monday

and it's great! | 1) mustn't/didn't need to buy anything

because it was already furnished inside. It's also got a balcony

and you 2) can/might see the whole city from there! The only

drawback is that I3) have to/ought to close all the windows

at night because it 4) must/can be very noisy outside. It's OK

now, but in summer 5) might/could install air conditioning

so that I don't get too hot!

You 6) are able to/should come and visit me soon,

although I'm afraid you 7) can't/don't have to bring your

dog, Mitzi. We 8) might not/mustn't have pets in the

building - it's against the rules.




Ответ дал: maxanonym53


1 Didnt need to

2 Can

3 ought to

4 Can

5 Might

6 should

7 cant

8 mustnt


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