Помогите пожалуйста с английским! ДАЮ 50 БАЛЛОВ!
Complete the sentence with the past simple or past continuous form of the verb in brackets.
1 At noon yesterday, the staff _________________ (have) their monthly meeting.
2 The teacher _____________________ (give) the students a test when the principal _____________ (come) into the classroom.
3 I ________________ (walk) on the beach in Bali this time last week.
4 Amy _________________ (sit) on the park bench while the children _____________________ (play).
5 He _______________ (watch) the football game on TV at 8 o’clock last night.
6 Ann ______________ (fly) her kite while her brother ________________ (ride) his bicycle.
7 The sun _______________ (shine) and the birds ____________ (sing) that summer morning in Moscow. Mary _______________ (get) ready for work and Nick _______________ (make) pancakes for the children.
8 Alexander Fleming ___________________ (discover) penicillin by accident while he ___________________ (look) at some old experiments.
9 While we __________________ (do) the maths test, the fire alarm went off.
10 When Sue _______________ (arrive) at 9.30 am, four people ______________________(wait) outside the office.

utalio295: формы их
Аноним: отправь мне на англ
Аноним: когда надо отправить ответь
utalio295: до 17:00
Аноним: аа
Аноним: щас помагу
utalio295: сяб
utalio295: gjvjub gj;fkeqcnff
utalio295: помоги пожалуйста
utalio295: помоги пжж


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1. At noon yesterday, the staff WERE HAVING their monthly meeting.

2 The teacher WAS GIVING the students a test when the principal CAME into the classroom.

3 I WAS WALKING on the beach in Bali this time last week.

4 Amy WAS SITTING on the park bench while the children WERE PLAYING.

5 He WAS WATCHING the football game on TV at 8 o’clock last night.

6 Ann WAS FLYING her kite while her brother WAS RIDING his bicycle.

7 The sun WAS SHINING and the birds WERE SINGING that summer morning in Moscow. Mary WAS GETTING ready for work and Nick WAS MAKING pancakes for the children.

8 Alexander Fleming DISCOVERED penicillin by accident while he WAS LOOKING at some old experiments.

9 While we WERE DOING the maths test, the fire alarm went off.

10 When Sue ARRIVED at 9.30 am, four people WERE WAITING outside the office.

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