Упражнение 4. Поставьте глаголы, данные в
CKO OKAX, 6 Present Simple Tense.
1. 1 (to like) to read books. 2. My wife (to read) many English books. 3. Her son (to
go) to
school 4. He (not to go to school on Sundays. 5. We (to work) at plant. 6. They (not to
study) at the University, they (to study) at the Oil Institute. 7. You (to like to walk in the
park. 8. She (to go to bed) at nine​


Ответ дал: ovxnot


1)like; 2)reads; 3)goes; 4)doesn't go; 5)work; 6)don't study, study; 7)like; 8)goes.

klimenkoulia931: спасибо!!!
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