3 Write in order. Напишите предложения по порядку.
e.g. Fred likes school.
a She likes music too.
e But he is not a pupil; he is four
b Fred has a sister Betsy.
f She does not like maths.
C Fred likes school.
9 She is a pupil in the fifth class.
d Betsy likes literature and history.


Ответ дал: darjajakovleva0202

Fred likes school. But he is not a pupil; he is four. Fred has a sister Betsy. She is a pupil in the fifth class. Betsy likes literature and history. She likes music too. She does not like math.

azodnimatullaev: спасибо
dzalilovaezoza: спасибо
mashhura0429: спасибо
maloxatzufarova: Спасибо большое тебе
maloxatzufarova: очень полезный ответ
Аноним: Спасибо
Аноним: спс
wangmeijing090: спс
Ответ дал: dariaf2009


Объяснение:Я не поняла там вроде вот так но я не уверена Fred likes school.But he is not a pupil .he is four.Fred has got a sister Betsy. She is a pupil in the fifth class. Betsy likes literature and history. She likes music too.She does not like maths

vesna7502: Чикарно
Аноним: СПАСИБо
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