Fill in the gaps with can or could.

1. In my country you … get married when you are sixteen.

2. Speak up! I … hear you.

3. … I borrow your dictionary?

4. … you stay on your head?

5. At what age … you walk?

6. I … get into my house last night because I had lost my key.

7. Women … vote in England until 1922.

8. Jane and James saved and saved, and finally they … buy the house of their dream.

9. The fishing boat sank, but fortunately the fisherman … swim to the shore.

10. … you speak French before you moved to Paris?

11. … you say the alphabet backwards?

12. When I first went to Spain I … read Spanish but I … speak it.

13. I’m sorry. You’re in my light. I … see what I’m reading.


Ответ дал: meleshkodashad1908


1. can

2. can't

3. can

4. can

5. could/were able to

6. couldn't

7. coulnd't

8. were able to

9. was able to

10. could

11. can

12. could, couldn't

13. can't


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