Поставьте все возможные вопросы к следующим предложениям .

1.The students understand the new rule well.
2.His mother taught English at our college last year .
3.They needed many different tools for their work​


Ответ дал: DifoniaCraz

1.The students understand the new rule well.

1  Do the students understand the new rule well?

2 What do the students understand well?

3 Who understands the new rule well?

4 Do the students understand the new rule or exercise well?

5 The students understand the new rule well, don't they?

2.His mother taught English at our college last year .

1 Did his mother teach English at our college last year?

2 What did his mother teach at our college last year?

3 Who taught English at our college last year?

4 Did his mother teach French or English at our college last year?

5 His mother taught English at our college last year, didn't she?

3.They needed many different tools for their work​

1 Did they need many different tools for their work​?

2 What did they need for their work​?

3 Who needed many different tools for work​?

4 Did they need many different or the same tools for their work​?

5 They needed many different tools for their work​, didn't they?

PS: 5 видов вопросов

1 Общий

2 Специальный

3 Вопрос к подлежащему

4 Альтернативный

5 Разделительный

ulanobzheka: Огромное спасибо!
DifoniaCraz: you are welcome
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