Highlight the verbs in the Present Perfect tense. :)

дам 30 балов​


sarsenbaj2007: пишите без алриди так будет правильно


Ответ дал: galina572319


I: Hello, Zhanibek! What does it mean to you - the right person?

Z: Well, for me, the right person is a person who I understand well… You know, it's so... (?)

I: But I think understanding people is a common thing. Thus, psychologists are right people for everyone. (laughing)

Z: (laughing) I'll explain. During my life, I have searched for the right people - a friend, even a flatmate!

I: Have you already found the right people?

Z: Fortunately, yes! I'm married and have two close friends ready to help me any time.

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