Задание: Перед вами текст про Рождество в Великобритании, измените слова в скобках так, чтобы был логический смысл предложения.
Christmas is the time of ( happy) and (enjoy) but it's not a good time for everyone. Take turkeys, for example. Every year millions of turkeys end up on a dinner table. But not Lofty. Lofty is a (luck) bird. He was born on a (Britain) farm and has spent many (wonder) hours there. One day it was Lofty's time to go to the market. Anyway, he wasn't as (fortunate) as many other turkeys: nobody knows how but Lofty ran away! He ended up in an animal rescue centre. (Lucky) for Lofty, the people in the centre are all vegetarians, so Lofty's future looks (fair) bright.
Good job!
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Ответ дал: yananomi2018

Christmas is the time of ( happy) but it's not a good time for everyone. Take turkeys, for example. Every year millions of turkeys end up on a dinner table. But not Lofty. Lofty is a (luck) bird. He was born on a (Britain) farm and has spent many (wonder) hours there. One day it was Lofty's time to go to the market. Anyway, he wasn't as (fortunate) as many other turkeys: nobody knows how but Lofty ran away! He ended up in an animal rescue centre. (Lucky) for Lofty, the people in the centre are all vegetarians, so Lofty's future looks bright.

Good job!

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