. Fill in the correct word: fridge, kitchen, books, comfortable, wardrobe, first, garage, mirror, bedroom, computer.
1. There is a big…in the kitchen. 6. Sam lives in a …. house.
2. I have got a desk in my … . 7. Dad’s car is in the … .
3. His living room is on the …floor. 8. Mike has got a … on his desk.
4. Emmy has got a big … in her bathroom. 9. Ann’s dresses are in the … .
5. I read my ….in the bedroom. 10. We have breakfast in our … .
(ответ на английском)


Ответ дал: solomiavalcuk19


1. fridge

2. bedroom

3. first

4. mirror

5. books

6. comfortable

7. garage

8. computer

9. wardrobe

10 kitchen

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