Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple, the Present Continuous, the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

1) ... you ... (to go) to the concert next Sunday, Julia? — Yes. Actually I ... (already to buy) a ticket. I never ... (to miss) an opportunity to visit concerts of famous singers and music bands. 2) ... Alan ... (to check) his e-mail yet? — Yes, he ... . He always ... (to read) his mail in the morning. 3)... you ... (to wait) for a bus? How long ... you ... (to wait) for it? — I ... (to wait) for half an hour already.— How strange. It usually ... (to arrive) on time. 4) ... Jessica still ... (to be) in the fitting room? She ... (to try) clothes on for hours! — Well, she seldom ... (to go) shopping for clothes, but if she does, she ... (to spend) hours choosing dresses and blouses. Look! She ... (finally to choose) what to buy. 5)... you still... (to work) on the computer, Mark? You ... (to work) since 8 o’clock.— I... (to look) for some information for my Biology project for three hours already but I can’t find anything interesting. It always ... (to take) a lot of time to find necessary information on the Net. 6)... Mr Peters still ... (to work) at school? — Yes, he ... (to teach) Maths for twenty years. He ... (to be) a very good teacher, you know. 7) What ... Tina ... (usually to do) in the evenings? I never ... (to see) her walking with her friends.— She ... (toprepare) for her final tests these days. She ... (to want) to enter University and she really ... (to study) hard since the beginning of the school year. 8) Where ... you ... (to hurry) now, Sue? — I... (to have) a seminar at the University today. It ... (to start) in half an hour. 9) Why ... Gordon ... (to read) the newspapers since morning? — He ... (to want) to find a part-time job for summer. You know, he ... (already to decide) to buy a new computer and he ... (to need) money for it. 10)... you already ... (toplan) your trip to France? — Yes, we ... . We ... (to fly) to Paris tomorrow morning. Richard ... (already to buy) tickets and Helen ... (to pack) suitcases since 10 o’clock.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1) Are you going to the concert next Sunday, Julia? — Yes. Actually I have already bought a ticket. I never miss an opportunity to visit concerts of famous singers and music bands. 2) Has Alan checked his e-mail yet? — Yes, he has. He always reads his mail in the morning. 3) Are you waiting for a bus? How long have you been waiting for it? — I have been waiting for half an hour already. — How strange. It usually arrives on time. 4) Is Jessica still in the fitting room? She has been trying clothes on for hours! — Well, she seldom goes shopping for clothes, but if she does, she spends hours choosing dresses and blouses. Look! She has finally chosen what to buy. 5) Are you still working on the computer, Mark? You have been working since 8 o’clock.— I have been looking for some information for my Biology project for three hours already but I can’t find anything interesting. It always takes a lot of time to find necessary information on the Net. 6) Is Mr Peters still working at school? — Yes, he has been teaching Maths for twenty years. He is a very good teacher, you know. 7) What does Tina usually do in the evenings? I never see her walking with her friends.— She has been preparing for her final tests these days. She wants to enter University and she has really been studying hard since the beginning of the school year. 8) Where are you hurrying now, Sue? — I am having a seminar at the University today. It starts in half an hour. 9) Why has Gordon been reading the newspapers since morning? — He  wants to find a part-time job for summer. You know, he has already decided to buy a new computer and he needs money for it. 10) Have you already planned your trip to France? — Yes, we have. We are flying to Paris tomorrow morning. Richard has already bought tickets and Helen has been packing suitcases since 10 o’clock.

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