Exercise 2, page 36
What did Jane and Aidar do on Saturday? Did they like it? Listen the attachment and read the dialogue to find out.
Aidar: Hi, Jane – it’s Aidar! I tried calling you on Saturday night, but you didn’t answer your phone.
Jane: Oh, hi Aidar! Yes, sorry! I was at the ballet.
Aidar: Really? What was it like?
Jane: It was fantastic! The dancers were amazing! What did you do on Saturday?
Aidar: Oh, I just stayed home with my brother and we watched a film on TV.
Jane: Did you enjoy it?
Aidar: Not really. It was nothing special. Listen, do you want to go for a walk later?
Jane: Sure!

Exercise 3, page 36
Find sentences in the dialogue which mean: Of course! – What did you think of it? – Did you have a good time? – It wasn’t great.

Intonation (expressing feelings)
Exercise 5, page 36
b) Listen the attachment and tick (✓) the adjective that best describes each speaker’s feelings. You can use your dictionary. Listen again and repeat.
1 I don’t believe it! a annoyed [_] b surprised [_]
2 What’s the problem? a interested [_] b annoyed [_]
3 Sure! a enthusiastic [_] b disbelieving [_]
4 No way! a surprised [_] b annoyed [_]​

mektepmektep243: 1ех

1A 2B 3B 4A 5 C 6C

Ех 5

1B 2A 3A 4B есле ошибка то скину ех 1 а теперь скину 3ех

Ex 3.

Of course - Sure.

What did you think of it? - Really? What was it like?

Did you have a good time - Did you enjoy it?

It was not great - Not really.
Кому лень сиотретт рекламу
ghhdjdbbd: спс


Ответ дал: aknikaribai



Of course - Sure.

What did you think of it? - Really? What was it like?

Did you have a good time - Did you enjoy it?

It was not great - Not really.

Ответ дал: mektepmektep243

Ответ: 1ех

1A 2B 3B 4A 5 C 6C

Ех 5

1B 2A 3A 4В

Ex 3.

Of course - Sure.

What did you think of it? - Really? What was it like?

Did you have a good time - Did you enjoy it?

It was not great - Not really.


mektepmektep243: Ну как?
asemai200769: 2 барма?
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