Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в форму Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple
1. We (go) to Spain next summer.

2. He (have) many lessons on Tuesdays.

3. I (see) you soon.

4. Mary (make) a cake two hours ago.

5. I (see) Mike in the office yesterday.

6. We (have) a test in History last week.

7. She (take) a shower every day.

8. I (send) you the letter tomorrow.

9. Nick usually (get up) at 8 am.

10. They always (talk) quietly.


Ответ дал: nurayuzakbay2007
1)will go
2)wouldn’t have
3)would see

nurayuzakbay2007: 5)saw
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