Напишите глагол в скобках в простом настоящем времени (Present Simple).

1) The boy
(to like) the school.

2) Mary
(to see) her mother every day.

3) My friends
(to bring) their children to our house on Saturdays.

4) The cat
(to eat) food quickly.

5) I often
(to forget) a pen.

6) You
(to write) in your book in the class.

7) We
(to bring) pencils to the class.

8) The men always
(to bring) their wives to the party.

9) Mr Adams
(to teach) his class in the morning.

10) She
(to like) to give presents to her friends.

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Ответ дал: lana870000


1) The boy   likes  the school.

2) Mary   sees her mother every day.

3) My friends   bring their children to our house on Saturdays.

4) The cat  eats food quickly.

5) I often  forget a pen.

6) You  write in your book in the class.

7) We  bring pencils to the class.

8) The men always   brings their wives to the party.

9) Mr Adams  teachs his class in the morning.

10) She  likes to give presents to her friends.


I, You, We, They + глагол.

My friends   bring their children to our house on Saturdays.

(My friends, можно заменить местоимением They )

He, She, It + глагол с окончанием s/ es.

She  likes to give presents to her friends.

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