Write verbs in Past Simple or Past Continuous
1. I _____________ (play) cricket yesterday.
2. I _____________ (play) cricket at 2 p.m. last Saturday.
3. Silvia _____________ (type) a letter from 3 till 3.30 p.m. yesterday.
4. We _____________ (visit) France last year.
5. We _____________ (read) a book the whole evening yesterday.
6. Kelly and Susan _____________ (read) a book last evening.​


Ответ дал: madinamamatova865

Ответ: 1 playing, 2 plays,3 types,4 visited,

5 reading, 6 read


Ответ дал: yaniebo


Write verbs in Past Simple or Past Continuous

1. I played  cricket yesterday.

2. I  was playing cricket at 2 p.m. last Saturday.

3. Silvia was typing a letter from 3 till 3.30 p.m. yesterday.

4. We visited France last year.

5. We were reading a book the whole evening yesterday.

6. Kelly and Susan read a book last evening.​

Good luck)

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