Write an e-mail (50-100 words) to your pen-friend about your future trip.
Include details of a place where you will travel, where are you going to stay, about your activities помогите плиз!!!! Даю 20 баллов​


Ответ дал: sergeyilyichev1


From: you mail address

To: friend's mail address

Topic: Future Trip

Thank you for your letter. I'm glad to hear from you again. Sorry, that I haven't answered for so long. I was busy with my exams. Now I  a spare minute to drop you a line.

In your last letter, you asked me about a future trip. Well, I find this theme is very interesting. I consider that future trip will be to space. So, I wanna travel to the Moon. In my opinion, it'll be the most popular place to travel. Because it's the nearest one and so beautiful. There will be a lot of hotels. I will stay in one of them. Moreover, there will be malls and museums. I'll visit them too. Also, I will play football there because it's gonna be the amazing cause of zero gravity.

Sorry, but I have to go because I have to prepare to my English exam.

Write me soon,

Best wishes,


P.S. У меня больше слов (152). Можешь выбрать то, что нужно тебе. Отсальное просто не пиши.

Аноним: спасибо
Аноним: огромное я поставлю звёздочку и лайк если учитель одобрит
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