Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
-ing or infinitive form.
1 Jeremy claims to have tried (try) BASE jumping in
the past, but I know that’s not true.
2 What’s the use of .................................... (buy)
a mountain bike when you never go cycling?
3 There may ............................................... (be) a
time when alligators were nearly extinct but
now their numbers are thriving.
4 ................................. (be) a champion archer in
his youth, Mr Smith had some valuable insight
into the sport.
5 The tracks on the ground appeared to ..............
......................................... (make) by alligators.
6 Your equipment must ........................... (check)
carefully before you go scuba diving.
7 The idea of chocolate-covered bugs for dinner
might .................................. (sound) disgusting
to many, but I wouldn’t mind ...........................
(try) some!
8 Sarah doesn’t appreciate ..................................
(call) a bad athlete by her team members.
9 You had better ..................................................
(not/attempt) paragliding if you’re afraid of
10 Are you still up? I though you would ................
............................. (sleep) at this time of night.
11 Marianne seems ........................................ (cry)
for the last hour. What’s wrong with her?
12 With all the preparations ..................................
(complete) three hours before the party started,
they had plenty of time to relax before their
guests arrived.


Ответ дал: offchek

ответ:2)bought.3)was.4)To be.5)made.6)check.7)sound.8)called.9)attempt not 10)sleep.11)cry.12)completed

11052006egor: нужно -ing or infinitive form.
11052006egor: На сколько я вижу, ответы совсем не правильные
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