Раскройте скобки, ставя глагол в форму Past Continuous
1. It (to rain) when John went out. ​
2. I (to play) the piano when Mary came into the room. ​
3. Tom (to work) all day yesterday. ​
4. She (to write) a letter at that moment. ​
5. They (to learn) English at 4 pm yesterday. ​
6. He (to walk) home when he met her. ​
7. The baby (to eat) its dinner at that time. ​
8. They (to live) in England when the War began.


Ответ дал: tokkaaza67


It was raining...

I was playing

Tom was working

She was writing

They were learning

He was walking

The baby was eating

They were living

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