Помогите по Английскому пожалуйста!!!!!!!!!!
Write an essay on the topic "What I value the most". (Отделяйте введение/основную часть/вывод ) Нужно написать минимум 10-15 предложений!!
Помогите пожалуйста!!

insarzamankul: Help me!!!
insarzamankul: Please
alexandr7382: о о чём ты хочешь
alexandr7382: написать??


Ответ дал: sashazemel


I want to tell you about the things that I apprecia. I think the most important things in the life of eachather are family, friends and in general communication.

And I am no exception, my family, friends are very important to me, I really appreciate that I have them. Apart from that I believe that good education gives lots of opportunities in modern society. That’s my second utmost value. There are a number of personal traits that I value in other people and myself. First of all, it’s honesty. Secondly, I value forgiveness in every human being.

In conclusion, I would like to say that life is the most important value for me. And that life would be so much different, but boring if people had no values at all.

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insarzamankul: спасибо)
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