пожалуйста, до 15:00 сдать нужноо!!!!

даю 20 баллов

II. Find the mistakes and write the right sentences.
1. My cousin, that is a teacher, speaks Spanish.
2. He is a man whom likes reading adventure books.
3. In summer i'm going to Tokyo where is an interesting city.
4. That's the house when my grandparents live.
5. There was nothing in the suitcase what the man left in the room.
6. Victoria whose was Queen of Great Britain for 64 years died in 1901.
7. The person which I spoke to was very nervous.
8. This is the man which dog bit me.​


Ответ дал: aleksa347


1. that поменять на who

2. whom поменять на who

3. where поменять на which

4. when поменять на where

5. what поменять на which

6. whose поменять на who

7. which поменять на whom

8 which поменять на whose

Ответ дал: mimo12312


My cousin, who is a teacher, speaks Spanish

He is a man who likes reading adventure books

In summer I'm going to Tokyo whick is an interesting city

That's the house where my grandparents live

There was nothing in the suitcase which the man left in the room

Victoria, who was Queen of Great Britain for 64 years, died in 1901

The person to whom I spoke was very nervous

This is the man whose dog bit me.


Wrong pronouns used :)

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