Write the words in the ing-form form.

Feed, walk, wash, play, do

1. Can I speak to Brad, please? I’m sorry, he’s _________ his pet now.

2 из 2

2. Can I speak to Paul, please? I’m sorry, he’s _________ his homework now.

3. What about Kelly? No, sorry, she’s _________ her pet in the park now.

4. Can I speak to Jenny then? Sorry, she’s__________ the dishes now.

5. Can I speak to Alice or Alex, please? I’m sorry, they’re_______ tennis now


Ответ дал: galina572319


1. feeding

2. doing

3. walking

4. washing

5. playing


Здесь все предложения в настоящем длительном времени, поэтому после глагола связки  (am, is, are) должен следовать глагол с окончанием -ing.

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