Последнее 6 задание 101 стр. срочно надо :) ​



Ответ дал: tbinstituz


Tom told a funny story while we wait for our drinks in the cafe


tbinstituz: 1. I watched the match on TV when somebody rang the doorbell
nikiforovdaniil661: спс а 2,3,4,5?
nikiforovdaniil661: ой это 2 ты написал
nikiforovdaniil661: а стоп
nikiforovdaniil661: 1 уже есть
tbinstituz: 2. Elena finished her homework while her mother cooking the evening meal
tbinstituz: 3. Mark was working on the computer when he heard the noise
tbinstituz: 4. While I had been walking home from school it start to rain
tbinstituz: 5. They were travelling in a train when it suddenly stopped
nikiforovdaniil661: спасибо большое
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