Match the key elements of Blog Post Structure to their appropriate descriptions.

The title

The introduction

The main body


ends the post decisively and calls the reader to take action.

holds the reader’s attention.

grabs attention and makes a promise.

hooks the reader, draws them in, and sets up the post.



Аноним: 1 и 3 , 2 и 4 , 3 и 2 , 4 и 1
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ersa2007: спасибо)
tomabiiiiik: Спасибо!)
zuparovmurat: спс


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1. The title + grabs attention and makes a promise.

2. The introduction + hooks the reader, draws them in, and sets up the post.

3. The main body + holds the reader’s attention.

4. Conclusion + ends the post decisively and calls the reader to take action.

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