закончите диалоги, используя too/enough
1.A: Can we go to the beach today? B: No, it's..(hot).
2. A: Can Gary drive a car? B: No, he's ...(young).
3. A: Can Rachel do this puzzle? B: No, it's .(difficult)
4. A: Can Martin swim in the lake? B: No, the water isn't ..(deep).
5. A: Can Poncho catch the cat? B: No, he isn't..(quick).
6. A: Can. David buy a house? B: No, he isn't ...(rich).
7. A: Can Evelyn go deep-sea diving? B: No, it's (dangerous)​


Ответ дал: peskotskaya


1.A: Can we go to the beach today? B: No, it's too hot.

2. A: Can Gary drive a car? B: No, he's too young.

3. A: Can Rachel do this puzzle? B: No, it's too difficult.

4. A: Can Martin swim in the lake? B: No, the water isn't deep enough.

5. A: Can Poncho catch the cat? B: No, he isn't quick enough.

6. A: Can. David buy a house? B: No, he isn't rich enough.

7. A: Can Evelyn go deep-sea diving? B: No, it's too dangerous.​


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