Помогите пожалуйста!!! до 00:00 сегодня нужно сдать!!!
Раскройте скобки, употребите глаголы в Present Simple/ Present Continuous/ Present Perfect. Переведите.
1) She (not to read) many books on
astronomy every week.
2) Look at John! He (to open) the
3) I just (to translate) these sentences into French. And now I (to walk) with my friends. We (to go) to the park.
4) Where your father (to be)? — He (to be) in the bathroom. He (to shave). He always (to shave) and (to listen) to the radio in the morning.
5) You already (to buy) fruit and
6) Nick and Jane (to be) in their room.
They (to speak) now.
7) Her baby always (not to sleep) after
8) What the children (to do)? – They (to
write) the test.
9) I am happy. I just (to receive) a
telegram from my friend. He (to live) in London. He (to be) a student of Oxford University.
10) I (not to like) to watch TV very


Ответ дал: lemon22845


1. She reads many books on astronomy every week. Каждую неделю она читает много книг по астрономии.

2. Look at John! He has opened the window. Посмотрите на Джона! Он открыл окно.

3. I have just translated these sentences into French. And now I'm walking with my friends. We are going to the park. Я уже перевела эти предложения на французский. А сейчас я гуляю с друзьями. Мы идём в парк.

4. Where is your father? - He is in the bathroom. He is shaving. He always shaves and listens to the radio in the morning. Где твой отец? - Он в ванной. Бреется. Он всегда бреется и слушает радио по утрам.

5. Have you already bought fruit and vegetables? Ты уже купил фрукт и овощи?

6. Nick and Jane are in their room. They are speaking now. Ник и Джейн в своей комнате. Они сейчас разговаривают.

7. Her baby always doesn't sleep after breakfast. Ее ребенок всегда не спит после завтрака.

8. What are the children doing? - They are writing the test. Что сейчас делают дети? - Они пишут тест.

9. I'm happy. I have just received a telegram from my friend. He lives in London. He is a student of Oxford University. Я счастлив. Только что получил телеграмму от моего друга. Он живёт в Лондоне. Он студент Оксфордского университета.

10. I don't like to watch TV very often. Мне не нравится смотреть телевизор слишком часто.

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