4. If he
(be)late, we
(go) without him.
5. If I
l(be) not too tired, I
(go) to the cinema.
6. IC (be) very surprised if he
7. If I
(not/ go) to bed now, I
(be) tired tomorrow.
8. They
(go) to the party if they
(be) invited
9. We
(be) late if we
(not hurry)
10. If we
(eat) all this cake, we
(be) sick
11. He
(not/get) a better job if he
(not/pass) his exam.​


Ответ дал: fyvapro95


4)is, will

5)wasn't too tired, would go

6) will be, comes

7)don't go, will be

8)would have gone, had been

9)will be, don't hurry

10)eat, will be

11)wouldn't get, didn't pass


в некоторых примерах первый и второй тип conditionals взаимозаменяемы, зависит от того, как понимать предложение. я писала тот вариант, который первый в голову приходил

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