Раскрыв скобки, употребите глагол в форме страдательного залога настоящего совершенного времени.
1. The degree of concentration (to increase) in this country recently.
2. Prices of electricity (to raise) already twice this year.
3. New wind and water energy sources (to develop).
4. Applied fields of economics (to teach) to students of different universities.
5. A high living standard (not/ to reach) in most developing countries yet.
6. How the degree of competition (to influence) by the increase in the number of firms in the industry?
7. No changes (to make) to distinguish the new product from identical products.
8. How much money (to give) by the World Bank to the developing countries?
9. Good education (to provide) for most part of population.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. The degree of concentration has been increased  in this country recently.

2. Prices of electricity have already been raised  twice this year.

3. New wind and water energy sources have been developed .

4. Applied fields of economics have been taught to students of different universities.

5. A high living standard hasn’t been reached in most developing countries yet.

6. How has the degree of competition been influenced by the increase in the number of firms in the industry?

7. No changes have been made to distinguish the new product from identical products.

8. How much money has been given by the World Bank to the developing countries?

9. Good education has been provided for most part of population.

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