Used to Exercise
Make an affirmative sentence, negative sentence or question using 'used to + infinitive' (Составьте утвердительное предложение, отрицательное предложение или вопрос, используя "используется для + инфинитив")
1) He / eat sweets when I was a child.
2) She / sing in the karaoke-bar then?
3) John / like swimming, but now she hates it
4) Sara / not / play tennis
5) Alex/ go to the library when he was at school
6) Marry / be able to drive a car, but now she has forgotten it all
7) Donald / play chess some day?
8) Anna / have a depression
9) Andrey / learn French
10) Albert/ not / like to be a smoker

Сделайте ПРАВИЛЬНО,пожалуйста очень важно!!!


Ответ дал: Glanik34

1) He used to eat sweets when I was a child.

2) Did She use to sing in the karaoke-bar then?

3) John used to like swimming, but now she hates it

4) Sara didn't use to play tennis

5) Alex used to go to the library when he was at school

6) Marry used to be able to drive a car, but now she has forgotten it all

7) Did Donald use to play chess some day?

8) Anna used to have a depression

9) Andrey used to learn French

10) Albert didn't use to like to be a smoker

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