underline the correct modal verb
1. She said she could not/ can not come yesterday because she had already made plans to go out with her sister.
2. We can not/ must not have run out of milk, i bought some this morning.
3. We need to/ should have invited Craig to the party.
4.Louise isnt upstairs. She can/must have left already.
5. I wonder why Hannah didnt come to work today. Maybe one of us may/ should call and check that she is alright.
6. We must/might finish all the work by 10.30. Im not sure yet.
7.We need not/ ought not to leave right away, we have plenty of time.
8.Im afraid you can not/ must not speak to Mr Lambert at the moment, he is in a meeting.
9. I cant do my History homework. Do you think you could/should help me?
10. You must not/ need not tell him about the party. We want it to be a surprise.


Ответ дал: aklishtornaia


1.could not

2.can not

3.should have




7.need not

8.can not


10.need not

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