the articles:

last summer my friend’s parents took me to … North with them. His father is …
scientist, and he had to do some work there. … place is on … island very far
from Moscow. They had to go by … plane. I have flown in … planes many times
already, but my friend has never flown and he was … little afraid. He tried not
to show it but when they sat down in … plane he closed his eyes. His father
laughed at him and told him to look out of … window. “Look at all ….
Interesting things under you”, he said. “See how bright … sun shines and how
small … roads and bridges and trees look from here. … noise of … plane isn’t
too bad, we can even talk to each … other.

ilya1233: а теперь понел


Ответ дал: ilya1233
летом прошлого года родители моего друга взял меня в ... Севера с ними. Его отец ...ученый, и он должен был сделать некоторую работу там. ... Место находится на ... острове очень далекоиз Москвы. Они должны были пойти на ... плоскости. Я летал в ... плоскостях много разуже, но мой друг никогда не летал, и он был ... немного боялся. Он не пытался, чтобы показать его, но, когда они сели в ... плоскости он закрыл глаза. Его отецсмеялись над ним и сказал ему, чтобы выглянуть из ... окно. "Посмотрите на все ....Интересные вещи под вас ", сказал он. "Посмотрите, как ярко светит солнце ... и какмаленький ... дороги и мосты и деревья выглядят отсюда. ... Шум ... плоскости неслишком плохо, мы даже можем говорить друг с ... другой.

ladapinakalada: Там нужно не переводить а вставить артикулы!
Ответ дал: nunny
last summer my friend’s parents took me to the North with them. His father is a
scientist, and he had to do some work there. The place is on an island very far
from Moscow. They had to go by  plane. I have flown in -/the planes many times
already, but my friend has never flown and he was a little afraid. He tried not
to show it but when they sat down in the plane he closed his eyes. His father
laughed at him and told him to look out of the window. “Look at all the
Interesting things under you”, he said. “See how bright the sun shines and how
small  roads and bridges and trees look from here. The noise of the plane isn’t
too bad, we can even talk to each  other.

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