

AngiF: 1C 2A 3C 9D
AngiF: 4В 5С 6С 7А 8В 10С
AngiF: Это по 178
Rouva: спасибо))
AngiF: 179: 1С 2А 3С 4А 5С 6А
Rouva: спасибо


Ответ дал: nurdauletassuylbekul



1. You must feel relaxed after your holiday.

2.  They must be tired. They’ve been travelling all night.

3.  She must be Irish with a surname like O'Neil.

4.  A driver doesn't have to take the test in English.

5.  Jane has several books about plants. She must be a serious botanist.

6.  If I don’t study for the next test, I might fail it.

7.  It can't be Peter. He drives a Mercedes and this guy is driving a Jaguar.

8.  I think we will have to accept the notion that we need have total freedom in everything.

9.  He ought to go to the dentist because he has a terrible toothache.

10.  When I was at school we had to write long exercises and learn a lot of grammar rules by heart.


1.  I had to look up a lot of words in the dictionary as it was a very difficult text.

2.  If we didn't have to study, we could go out.

3. May I ride your bicycle, please. Jane?

4. May I use your telephone, please, Mr. Taylor?

5. You needn't come if you don’t want to.

6. If we go to town, I'll be able to do some shopping.


В п.8 в таске 178 я бы написал needn't, но в ответах возле needn't стоит to, это уже не модальный глагол, если я не ошибаюсь. Поэтому выбрал need

Rouva: спасибо)
AngiF: 178: 8-can't. 8-need-Я думаю, нам придется принять идею о том, что нам нужна полная свобода во всем. 8-can't-Я думаю, нам придется смириться с мыслью, что мы не можем иметь полную свободу во всем. Не так?
AngiF: 9. Ought а не must, потому что must не используется в будущем времени? Почему не should (понятие здравого смысла, "следовало бы")
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