Время на английском 3:38,4:47,5:14,6:30,7:07,8:52,9:21,10:31

maksimkon666: А что сделать надо?
maksimkon666: ты вообще ничего не уточнил


Ответ дал: maksimkon666

It's three hours and thirty eight minutes o'clock

It's four hours and fourty seven minutes o'clock

It's five hours and fourteen minutes o'clock

It's six hours and half past o'clock

It's seven hours and seven minutes o'clock

It's eight hours and fifty two minutes o'clock

It's nine hours and twenty one minutes o clock

It's ten hours and thirty one minutes o'clock

iri140681: Нужно написать цифры на английском языке
maksimkon666: ок ща сделаем
iri140681: Спасибо, жду
maksimkon666: принимай
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