Нужно написать только форму глагола.

Example: Sam sold his computer. He ____________(buy) a new one.

Answer: is going to buy

I hope I ____________ (go) to the USA.
Lisa has sold her car. She ________ (buy) a bike.
I think the weather _______ (be) fine on Sunday.

I ______________ (see) my sister in April.
Tomorrow my parents and I _____________ (fly) to Paris.
It's so hot in the room. I __________ (switch) on the air conditioner.
What time _______ (the show/begin)?


Ответ дал: maria8999


1. I hope i will go to the USA.

2. Lisa has sold her car. She is going to buy a bike.

3. I think the weather will be fine on Sunday.

4. I am going to see my sister in April.

5. Tomorrow my parents and I are flying to Paris.

6. It's so hot in the room. I will switch on the air conditioner.

7. What time does the show begin ?(вопросительный знак не вписывай)

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