3. Вставьте “a little” или “a few”.
1. There is _______ snow in the street.
2. There is ______ butter in the refrigerator.
3. There are ______ lamps in the room.
4. The house has _______ balconies.
5. There are ______ apples on the plate in the cupboard.
6. There are _______ people standing at the bus stop.
7. There is ______milk in the bottle.
8. He has ______English books at home.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

С исчисляемыми существительными (они в предложениях ниже приведены в форме множественного числа!) используем a few, с неисчисляемыми - a little.

1. There is a little snow in the street.

2. There is a little butter in the refrigerator.

3. There are a few lamps in the room.

4. The house has a few balconies.

5. There are a few apples on the plate in the cupboard.

6. There are a few people standing at the bus stop.

7. There is a little milk in the bottle.

8. He has a few English books at home.

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