Раскройте скобки в Present Simple и сделайте предложения вопросительными и отрицательными.

I (listen) to music when I do my homework.
My friend (go )to school by bus.
We ( have) lunch at school.
His sister (get) up at 7.30.
Our last class ( finish) at 5 pm.
They (watch) films in their Spanish lessons.
Dylan ( take) photos in his free time.
Заранее спасибо

Lemarc2020: listen, goes, have, gets, finishes, watch, takes
Lemarc2020: Do i listen to music when I do my homework? Does my friend goes to school by bus? Do you have lunch at school? Does his sister get up at 7 30? Does our last class finish at 5 pm? Do they watch films in their Spanish lessons? Does Dylan take photos in his free time?
Lemarc2020: I don't listen, My friend doesn't go, We don't have lunch. his sister doesn't get up, our last class doesn't finish, they don't watch, Dylan doesn't take


Ответ дал: sokora2007


Do you listen to music when you do your homework?

I don't listen to music when I do my homework.

Does your friend go to school by bus?

My friend doesn't go to school by bus.

Do we have lunch at school?

We don't have lunch at school.

Does your sister get up at 7.30?

My sister doesn't get up at 7.30

Doеs our last class finish at 5 pm?

Our last class doesn't finish at 5 pm.

Do they watch films..?

They don't watch films.

Does Dylan take photo....?

Dylan doesn't take photo...

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