1. He … the house a moment ago.

a) left

b) leave

c) was left

d) leaves

2. By the end of last week all the tests … .

a) translated

b) had been translated

c) were translated

d) has translated

3. Were … you … my lighter? I can’t find it.

a) do … put

b) did … put

c) have … put

d) had … put

4. Did … come to see you yesterday?

a) some

b) anybody

c) somebody

d) anywhere

5. He … at the restaurant as a rule.

a) diner

b) is dining

c) dines

d) has dined

6. I think you … rest at weekend. You’ve worked hard this week and you are tired.

a) can

b) have

c) ought

d) should

7. She … just a new a coat. It’s very beautiful.

a) has bought

b) bought

c) was bought

d) had bought

8. He first … this film in his childhood.

a) had seen

b) saw

c) seen

d) was seen

9. She … free until she finishes this work.

a) isn’t

b) wasn’t

c) won’t be

d) hasn’t been

10. It’s … beautiful dress I’ve ever seen/ If were you I’d never buy it.

a) more

b) the most

c) less

d) the least

11. There is … salt left. It’s necessary to buy some more.

a) few

b) little

c) much

d) a little

12. Simon … to help with the preparation for the party buy he refused.

a) asked

b) was asked

c) has asked

d) asks

13. While the police were seeking for the bandits in the city, they … in the hills.

a) hid

b) were hiding

c) had hidden

d) were hidden

14. Our flat … about a great deal in the press recently.

a) has written

b) was written

c) has been written

d) is writing

15. The tea … in some minutes.

a) brings

b) will bring

c) is brought

d) will be brought


Ответ дал: karpushunaa


1) left

2) have a been translated

3) have ... put

4) anybody

5) dines

6) should

7) has bought

8) had seen

9) won't be

10) the most


12) was asked

13) were hiding


15) will be brought

11 и 15 не знаю....

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