выберите правильный вариант
1) Mary not (swim) at the moment?
Mary dont swim at the moment.
Mary aren't swimming at the moment
Mary isn't swimming at the moment
Mary isn't swim at the moment
2) _____they_____(wash) he dishes now?
Do they washing the dishes now?
Does they wash the dishes now?
Are they washing the dishes now?
Is they washing the dishes now?
3) ____the doctor____(start) early in the moment? Yes,_____
Is the doctor starts early in the morning? Yes, he is
Does the doctor start early in the morning? Yes, he does
Do the doctor start early in the morning? Yes, he do
Is the doctor starting early in the morning? Yes, he does.


Ответ дал: fabianapostolaki61


1.Mary isn't swimming at the moment

2.Are they washing the dishes now ?

3.is the doctor starting early in the morning ? Yes , he does

mikskira76: спасибо тебе огромное
Ответ дал: jankivskajas


Mary isn't swimming at the moment

Are they washing the dishes now?

Does the doctor start early in the morning? Yes, he does


Это настоящее продолженное время. Употребляя его, мы имеем в виду, что какое-то действие происходит прямо сейчас (now или right now), в данную секунду (at the moment).

Чтобы составить предложение, нам нужно два элемента

am, is или are (am для I, is для he / she / it, are для you / we / they)

+ глагол с окончанием -ing

А третье Present Simple (регулярное действие)

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