Помогите сделать это упражнение
B. Complete the sentences with modals.
1. Speak up! I can not hear you.
2. May I borrow your reference book?
3. The doctor says I can walk again in two weeks’ time.
4. I phoned you yesterday, but I ____ get an answer. Where were you?
5. I went for a ten-mile run last Saturday. It nearly killed me! I
_____move on Sunday.
6. You _____ be home by 11.00.
7. I _____ stay in bed for a few days oin the doctor’s orders.
8. I ____ go and see the doctor.
9. Sorry. I can’t come on Friday. I____ go to the doctor’s at 3.00.
10. Do not drink the water from the river, it ____ be contaminated.
11. It’s one o’clock. The meat _____be ready.
12. This substance is so poisonous. It _____ kill in seconds.
13. It's snowing, so it_______ very cold outside.
14. We _______ to wear a uniform at work.
15. _______we swim in the lake?


Ответ дал: galina572319


4. couldn't

5. couldn't

6. must

7. have to

8. must

9. have to

10. can

11. should

12. can

13. can be

14. have

15. can

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