Unusual holidays

Put the sentences in the right order. 


Hello, Dan! Hello, dear listeners! I’m happy to be here!

Please, welcome Arina!

Here are the three unusual holidays: National Punctuation Day, La Tomatina, Throwing Bean Day.

Hello, dear listeners!

Oh, wow! Thank you! Sounds interesting!

Me too! Arina, will you tell us, what unusual holidays have you heard about or maybe seen?

I’m Dan from ‘Instories FM’, and today I have a guest who has traveled around the world.


Ответ дал: alehinaangelina895


вот ответ проверила в ом


zulyarzaynalov055: спасибо
talgatbejsenov628: t n a k s
talgatbejsenov628: sorry
talgatbejsenov628: к а м с а м и д а
talgatbejsenov628: р а х м е т
talgatbejsenov628: с п а с и б о
talgatbejsenov628: к у м а о
kausartolegenova3: спасибо огромное
safiiyasaitova: спасибо
yabloko64: с пс
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