Make up an exclamatory sentence.

1. hair – what – long

2. day – what – beautiful – a

3. kind – is – Clara – how

4. can – how – well – dance – you

5. a – cake – delicious – what

6. how – is – dress – nice – her

7. am – lonely – how – I

8. you – how – are – smart

9. have – flowers – you – what – lovely – bought

10. dangerous – is – dog – how – your


Ответ дал: Anastasi2225

what a long  hair !

what a beautiful day !

how  kind is  Clara!

how – well – can you  dance !

5.– what  a delicious cake !

6. how  nice   is her dress!

7. how  I  am – lonely –!

8.  how –you – are – smart !

9.  what lovely flowers  have you bought!

10. how –is – dog  your  dangerous !

asylkhanova020: спасибо !
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