Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive.
1. This film (to show) last week.
A was shown
B is shown
2. My friend (to ask) at the lessons.
A are asked
B is asked
3. This book (to write) by Tolstoy.
A is writed
B is written
4. The letter (to send) to her yesterday.
A was sent
B were sent
5. The picture (to draw) tomorrow.
A will be drawn
B will draw
6. The window (to open) an hour ago.

A was opened
B is opened
7. The rule (to explain) by the teacher at the next lesson.
A will explain
B will be explained

8. This vase (to buy) by my sister yesterday.
A were bought
B was bought
9. English books (to take) from the library.
A are take
B are taken.


Ответ дал: Decoration
  1. was shown
  2. is asked
  3. is written
  4. was sent
  5. will be drawn
  6. was opened
  7. will be explained
  8. was bought
  9. are taken

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