плис срочно помогите​



Ответ дал: yuliavesnusha



Tanya isn't ten. Tanya and Helen aren't sisters. They aren't from America. Helen isn't twelve. Helen aren't with her friend in class. Their teacher isn't MrLincoln. He isn't from Britain.

yuliavesnusha: Ответ, который ты хотел ?
pleshakova07: Я подозреваю, что нет
Ответ дал: pleshakova07

Tanya is ten. Tanya isn't ten. She's eleven.

Tanya and Helen are sisters. Tanya and Helen aren't sisters. They're friends.  

They're from America. They aren't from America. They're from Russia.

Helen is twelfe. Helen isn't twelfe. Helen is fourteen.

Helen and her friend are in class 3 A. Helen and her friend aren't in class 3 A. Helen and her friend are in class 4 B.

Their teacher is Mr Lincoln. Their teacher isn't Mr Lincoln. Their teacher is Mr George.

He's from Britain. He isn't from Britain. He's from USA.

P.s. прости если не так поняла задание, удачи тебе человечек


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