помогите пожалуйста даю 15 баллов 9 класс



Ответ дал: KathyGFD

The girl SITTING next to Ann is my cousin Vera.

The student TRANSLATING this text is the best in our group.

Look at the girl WRITING in her diary. She is so creative!

The SINGING children were smiling.

The children were busy READING fairy-tales.

Everyone was looking at the KISSING couple in that cafe.

When VISITING the Japanese, remember to take off your shoes.

She left without CLOSING the door.

Past participle:

Where are the documents TRANSLATED by Mrs Lee?

The detective found two BROKEN pieces of the missing cup.

He is THOUGHT to be a genius.

Everything WRITTEN by him is a masterpiece.

Someone was whispering behind the CLOSED door.

Nothing has been PREPARED in advance.

evladik5: спасибо большое
KathyGFD: Не за что))
KathyGFD: Вариант проще - просто составить с continuous, perfect'ными временами или passive. Вы в школе проходите причастые и деепричастные обороты? Читающий, думающий, прочитав, подумав.
KathyGFD: *причастные
Вас заинтересует