An Inspiring friendship story Once a deer, a crow, a mouse and a turtle were
great friends.
One day the deer went out to graze. He was caught in a hunter net. In the
evening the deer did not return to his friends.
The mouse said to the crow, 'Fly over the trees and find the deer."
The crow came back after half an hour. He said, 'Our friend, the deer is in the
hunter's net."
- What shall we do 9 said the mouse and the turtle.
"I will take mouse on my back,' said the crow.
"He will bite through the net and set the deer free.'
"And I will walk to the deer," said the turtle.
The crow took the mouse on his back and flew with him to the deer. The mouse bit
through the net. The deer was free. The turtle got friends were all very happy
The following statements are wrong. Correct them according to the
information in the text.
1. A crow and a mouse were not friends.
2. The deer was caught in a hunter net but he came back to his friends.
3. The crow flew away with the deer.
4. The crow takes the tortoise to his back.
5. At the end only the tortoise was happy.
-дам 50 баллов​


Ответ дал: Dragonrodion21


1)A crow and a mouse were a great friends

2) In the evening the deer did not return to his friends

3) The crow came back after half an hour

4)The crow took the mouse on his back

5)The friend were all very happy together


Думаю так

Dragonrodion21: Ну я ответил ему на вопрос
Ggghhhhhtttttss: СПАСИБОООО
naikoabdimalik: 1 false ,2 true, 3 false, 4 true, 5 false, 6 false
naikoabdimalik: это правильно
naikoabdimalik: вот ответ☝️
Ggghhhhhtttttss: Нет, нам не так делать надо. Я списала то, что написал этот человек(Ну который ответил на вопрос) и мне поставиои 13/13 баллов.
Ggghhhhhtttttss: Поставили*
Ggghhhhhtttttss: Т.е. если бы не этот человек, я бы 3 получила..
kazimshahmuratov: эта не блимленд эта СОЧ
Ggghhhhhtttttss: я про соч и говорю.
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